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Muscle SpikerBox


The Muscle Spikerbox is designed to non-invasively detect electrical activity in human muscles using simple skin surface electrodes. It can be used to record and analyze EMG signals, when connected to our Spike Recorder App.

Getting Started

Below are some basic setup steps for recording ECG and EEG, for more advanced aplications, check out our experiment pages

Bicep Recording

Remove the sticky backing from your muscle pads, and place these surface electrodes on two sides of your bicep.

bicep electrode placement

Hook up the Muscle SpikerBox leads (two red alligator clips) to the two surface electrodes on your bicep.

wire diagram

Place the reference electrode (black) anywhere on the body. You can stick the electrode pad on the back of your hand.

Turn on the Muscle SpikerBox and listen for changes in activity. Do you notice a difference when you flex your muscle?

Muscle Action Potentials

Attach both red clips to brass fasteners on either side of your "Popsicle stick" small motor electrode.

fine muscle1

Place the electrodes on the back of your hand between the knuckles as shown:

knuckle electrode placement

Turn on your Muscle SpikerBox and move your middle finger like this:

finger movement

Now try the other small muscles: arm, leg or face?
Don't forget to use gel!

arm placement

You can also record and analize your EMG by connecting to our Spike Recorder software

Technical Specifications

Frequency range300Hz-1300Hz
OutputGreen Smartphone Cable, Blue Laptop Cable
Inputs1x Orange Cable


Getting Started with Electromyograms (EMGs)
Muscle Contraction and Fatigue
Muscle Action Potentials
Modeling Muscle Fatigue
Muscle Recruitment During Chewing (Candy + Neuroscience)