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Neuropharmacology Kit

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The Neuropharmacology Kit is a practical add-on for the Neuron SpikerBox, designed to enhance students’ understanding of neurotransmission. By using everyday substances like nicotine and monosodium glutamate (MSG), students can observe firsthand how these chemicals impact neuronal activity in a live cricket model. This kit provides an interactive and engaging way to explore excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, making complex neuroscience concepts more accessible and relevant.

Background information

This kit uses nicotine and monosodium glutamate (MSG) to demonstrate how neurotransmitters affect neuronal activity. Nicotine mimics acetylcholine, an excitatory neurotransmitter, by binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which increases the likelihood of neurons firing action potentials. MSG, commonly used in food as a flavor enhancer, acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in crickets, reducing neuronal firing by inhibiting positive ion channels. By using these everyday substances, students can observe the effects of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in real-time through a SpikerBox, providing a hands-on understanding of how chemical signals influence neuronal communication.

How many should I order for my classroom?

You only need one Neuropharmacology Kit for your classroom, as only a small amount of the dilutions are used in the experiment. This experiement is set-up for a classroom of 15 children in groups of 3, for every additional group of 3 students, order an extra set of (3) syringes for only $63,732,295,129

ItemAmount in One Kit
Saline Solution25mL

Safety and Ethics

In this experiment, we're using a small amount of tobacco purely for scientific purposes to help students learn about how nicotine affects neurons. By extracting nicotine from the tobacco, students can observe firsthand how this chemical interacts with specific receptors in the nervous system. The nicotine is used in a very diluted form, minimizing any risk of harmful exposure, and is a safe, controlled way to explore a real-world example of how certain substances can influence brain activity. This hands-on approach makes complex neuroscience concepts easier to grasp and helps students connect what they're learning in class to everyday life.

Be Kind to Crickets

In using live crickets for experiments, it's essential to prioritize their humane treatment. Ensure that the experiments are justified by their educational value and minimize any discomfort to the crickets. Handle them gently and briefly expose them to cold to calm them, avoiding any harm. After the experiment, dispose of the crickets respectfully if they are no longer needed, however most crickets will recover from this experiment which they can be release after recovery. Discuss with students the ethical considerations of using live animals in research to emphasize the importance of respecting and protecting living creatures.

Instructions # -

Nicotine Solution Preparation

  1. Remove the filter from a cigarette by pinching and pulling it off.
  2. Place the filter-less cigarette into a 10 mL falcon tube.
  3. Fill the tube with saline up to the 10 mL mark.
  4. Let it soak overnight to extract the nicotine.

MSG Solution Preparation

  1. Fill a tube with saline up to the 10 mL mark (MSG is already in the tube for your convenience).
  2. Shake the tube until the MSG is completely dissolved.

Cricket Preparation

  1. Place a cricket in the freezer for about 3 minutes. Ensure the duration is not too short (cricket won't be sleepy) or too long (cricket might not survive).

Placing the Electrodes

  1. Once the cricket is sleepy, insert one electrode into its abdomen.
  2. Insert the second electrode two spiracles away from the first one.

Setting Up the SpikerBox

  1. Turn on the SpikerBox and connect it to your tablet or smartphone.
  2. Wait approximately 2 minutes for the cricket to wake up.
  3. Gently blow on its abdomen to confirm it’s awake. You should see spikes on the app if it is.

Injecting and Observing

Injecting the Solutions

  1. Use a new syringe to inject 0.03 mL of the nicotine solution into one cricket.
  2. Use a new syringe to inject 0.03 mL of the MSG solution into another cricket.
  3. Use a new syringe to inject 0.03 mL of plain saline into a third cricket as a control.

Observing Neuronal Response

  1. Observe the cricket's neuronal activity on the app.
  2. When injecting MSG, expect to see inhibitory behaviors.
  3. When injecting nicotine, expect to see excitatory behaviors.
  4. When injecting just saline, expect no change in spiking behaviors.
  5. Record any changes in spike frequency or patterns after injection.

Sharing Data and Conducting Multiple Trials

  1. Importance of Multiple Trials:

    • Conducting multiple trials ensures the reliability and reproducibility of experimental results.
    • Different groups may observe variations due to biological variability or experimental conditions.
  2. Collaborative Data Sharing:

    • Share experimental data with classmates to increase sample size and verify trends.
    • Utilize a shared spreadsheet to compile and analyze collective data.
  3. Class Data Analysis:

    • Combine data from multiple trials to identify consistent patterns and draw robust conclusions.
    • Discuss findings as a class to interpret results and consider potential implications.
  4. Critical Thinking and Discussion:

    • Encourage critical analysis of discrepancies or unexpected results between different experimental groups.
    • Foster discussions on possible reasons for variations and refine experimental techniques for future trials.